How’s Your Lamp?
On this Saturday morning, we are getting things ready for our Sunday Service, September 11, 2022. There are a few things that are going through our mind and I would like to share those with you this morning.
First, I am praying for each and everyone of you. My prayer has several aspects to it and I would like to share those, so you can (hopefully) take them to heart. Those aspects are: a stronger desire to be in church with our CV FAMILY, to have a stronger desire to study His Word (this is the focus of Sunday School and Wednesday GATHERED Bible Study), and last, but not least, a stronger desire to spend time in Prayer.
Second, I would like to encourage, with the strongest encouragement I can, to make plans NOW to be a part of Sunday School (9:45am) IN-HOUSE!!! We have several classes for you to be a part of and Sunday School is extremely important for Bible Study, to help us dig and study His Word, and helps draw us closer to Him via His Word. Use this as an opportunity to strengthen your walk with God. As a reminder – we have a NEW SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASS, being taught by Sis. Frances Masters, for our Young Adults (ages 19-30). This is a great opportunity to get together with others in your age group and get to know others in our CV FAMILY!!!
Third, Sunday is the 21st Anniversary of the attacks on 9/11. We will start our service with a moment of reflection and remembrance.
Fourth, the sermon for this Sunday is “How’s Your Lamp?” I really feel this is a VERY IMPORTANT (they all are important, I know that!!!) message from God for our church family to help us continue our growth in our relationship with God and His Church and our CV FAMILY. Please make EVERY effort to be IN-HOUSE!!!
Finally, don’t forget our LET’S GET BACK CELEBRATION on September 18th at 11:00am. We will have Mark Moore and Perfect Vision in service that morning (No Sunday School), followed by Fellowship and Lunch (BBQ & Chicken Fingers – signup sheet in the Foyer) and outdoor activities such as games, water slide and more, including Southern Snow Shaved Ice!!!
Join with me TODAY in prayer for service TOMORROW!!!
Pastor Andy Lambert
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