Happy Independence Day!!!

Pastor Andy Lambert   -  




SECOND ANNUAL Happy Independence Day Celebration!!! We would LOVE for our ENTIRE Church Family to join together for a great time of celebration at Emory and June Ann Davis’ House on Sunday, June 30, 2024 at 4:00pm for a great time of FELLOWSHIP!!! Directions will be available at church after service that morning.


Our menu this year will include sandwiches, chips, drinks (Sis. Kerri’s Sweet Tea of course!), desserts, desserts and fruit!!! We will have a sign up sheet in the foyer on Sunday, June 23, 2024 so you can let us know if and what you can bring. The swimming pool will be open for the kids, but let’s be sure of modest attire and please bring a towel as well.


Let’s join together for a great time of fellowship with one another and be sure to introduce yourself and talk to someone you haven’t talked to before. SEE YOU THEN!!!



Pastor Andy Lambert

Call or Text at 205.642.8744 ext 101
