Break Every Chain

Sermon Outline for Sunday, March 7, 2021

Hebrews 12:1 ESV

Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us,


Once you are free from the shackles, don’t start playing with the chains!



Some of these chains are:

• Shame

• Depression

• Anxiety

• Lust

• Fear

• Rejection

• Greed

• Lies

• Busyness



• Despondency

• Although we are told we are told we are living in a “peppy” generation where all is fun and laughter, a great many young people are sad and despondent at heart.

• Despondency is a heavy weight indeed; it pulls down the heart, anchors the spirit, hinders prayers and discourages Christian service in general.

• Discouragement

• It has been well said that “even God cannot use a discouraged Christian.”

• Worse still, a discouraged person can quickly spread their low spirits to others.

• Doubting

• This weight becomes burdensome to most of us at one time or another.

• Jesus rebuked His disciples for doubting when a great storm on the sea threatened their lives.

• He gently chided Peter for doubting when he tried to walk on the water and sank.

• Because of doubt and unbelief Jesus could perform no mighty works in His home-town of Nazareth.

• Doubting Jesus’ power to save and keep us is sinful.



• Impatience

• This is a serious handicap.

• The Bible advises us to “run with patience” the race set before us.

• Impatience makes us fretful, hasty, inefficient, disagreeable and unwelcoming.

• Laziness

• This is a weight not many folks would admit to carrying along!

• With nearly everyone busy, rushing, active, occupied with good works, surely laziness does not seem very evident today.

• But there is a mental and spiritual lethargy which can slow progress most effectively.

• Dishonesty

• Any weight of dishonesty does much worst things than just stealing a few coins.

• It creates in the mind and heart of the cheater a sin which is indeed a burden until it is repented of and forgiven.

• Some persons can hide their dishonesty cleverly; but God sees and knows about even the slightest dishonesty.

• If this weight besets us, let us get rid of it at once.

• Prosperity / Comfort

• What? Can prosperity and comfort be a chain?

• YES, Indeed!

• This is why the Bible warns us so constantly of this danger.

• The more prosperous, successful, comfortable we are: the less danger, distress, illness, or misfortune seem to be, the easier it is to forget our need of God, His Word, Prayer, Christian Fellowship and all the other things so essential to spiritual heath.



Once you are free from the shackles, don’t start playing with the chains!


Pastor Andy Lambert ~


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