Total Commitment for the New Year

Sermon Outline for Sunday, December 26, 2021


In the year 2021, lots of wild and crazy things have happened here at Coosa Valley:

• We have had funerals of family members and friends.

• We have taken in members, we have had people leave.

• We have had great IN-HOUSE services, we have had great LIVE-FEED services.

• Mistakes have been made, great things have happened.

• Money wise:

• $17,614 in Mission and Benevolence.

• $11,042 in Tithe of Tithes, which goes toward State and International Expenses and Mission programs.

• As far as budget for Income to cover CV Expenses, we went OVER $6,229.

• 35% of income comes through Online Giving (Secure, PayPal, Cash App, & Venmo).





Now onto the last few days in 2021: We don’t want to rush, because God can still do great and mighty things in the next: 5 days, 12 hours and 45 minutes (Sunday, December 26 at 11:15 am).


Going into 2022, some things are going to change around CV.

• We have team and internal policy changes taking effect January 1st. (We will talk and go into detail on Sunday, January 2nd).

• We have some spiritual avenues we are going to be taking for greater growth within our CV FAMILY.

• The way we have always done things, may not be the way we do things. To get a different result, you got to do things differently.

• In the past few years, even before COVID, church has made its way to the back burner in people’s lives. You want God to bless you and use you, this must change.


Proverbs 16:3 ESV

Commit your work to the Lord, and your plans will be established.


In order for Coosa Valley to succeed as we have and continue to succeed, we have had to and must continue to and do it more, Cast ourselves and all we do upon God.


Total commitment to the Lord is necessary for success in God’s eyes. To commit means to roll and is used of rolling a stone (Ge. 29:3; Jos. 10:18; 1 Sa. 14:33). Notice that this is the only instruction, the only command, in this set of proverbs. God wants to work His gracious, sovereign purpose in our lives. Therefore, we need to trust God and roll everything we do upon Him. As difficult as it may be, we need to give up control of our lives and completely turn them over to the Lord. When we give ourselves fully to God, our thoughts—our plans and purposes—will be established. Too many of us strive to control every detail of our lives, and we panic when something is outside our control. Thus, God exhorts us to yield control of our lives to Him and let Him work out His plan through us.



Genesis 29:3 ESV

and when all the flocks were gathered there, the shepherds would roll the stone from the mouth of the well and water the sheep, and put the stone back in its place over the mouth of the well.


Joshua 10:18 ESV

And Joshua said, “Roll large stones against the mouth of the cave and set men by it to guard them,


1 Samuel 14:33 ESV

Then they told Saul, “Behold, the people are sinning against the Lord by eating with the blood.” And he said, “You have dealt treacherously; roll a great stone to me here.”


1 Peter 5:7 ESV

casting all your anxieties on him, because he cares for you.



Pastor Andy Lambert ~

Call/Text: 205.642.8744 ext 101

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