Church Growth Thought
Many in the church world have a misunderstanding about growing a church in numbers. “Oh the Pastor will grow the church” is NOT the correct thought process. Let’s look at just a FEW verses from the Bible:
Second, we must devote our time in studying the Word of God and fellowship with our church family. Bro. Andy, that is NOT in the Bible. I would like for you to read Acts 2:42 where we find that the church devoted themselves to the Word and fellowship. You can not be a part of the church if you are never a part. What does this mean? If your thought process is: “No one likes me”, “No one calls/texts me”, “No one talks to me”, “Our church doesn’t have enough of a certain age group” then I tell you that something needs to change about your thinking. Who are you calling/texting to check on? Who are you talking to at church? Who are you inviting to fellowship within your own age group? What part are YOU doing to help with getting into God’s Word and fellowship?
Third, to touch on studying God’s Word, how about looking at 1 Timothy 4:13, where we find that we need to public read, exhort and teach God’s word. This only can happen in a setting of a group, say … church services?
Fourth, this one is a area that not many like. Church Growth must have reproof, correction and training. In other word, church discipline is a big part of church growth, but we don’t like discipline. Take a look at 2 Timothy 3:16-4:5.
Finally, while church growth in number should NOT be a primary focus of the church body, church growth in numbers is a factor we must look at. What is the MAIN NUMBER ONE way to cause church growth? I saved the best for last. Church Growth in ONLY done through teaching about Jesus. We find in John 12:32, Jesus Christ is the only way to draw people. No, there is not a thing wrong with activities and events. But, if we are only looking for activities and events, we are looking very shallowly. We must be lifting up the name of Jesus Christ in order to truly draw people unto God. This is and should be the PRIMARY function of the church body.