Pure and Holy Living (June 11, 2023)

Sermon Outline for Sunday, June 11, 2023

Pastor Andy Lambert

PASSAGES:  1 Thessalonians 4:1–8; Micah 5:15


1 Thessalonians 4:1-8 ~ “Finally, then, brothers, we ask and urge you in the Lord Jesus, that as you received from us how you ought to walk and to please God, just as you are doing, that you do so more and more. For you know what instructions we gave you through the Lord Jesus. For this is the will of God, your sanctification: that you abstain from sexual immorality; that each one of you know how to control his own body in holiness and honor, not in the passion of lust like the Gentiles who do not know God; that no one transgress and wrong his brother in this matter, because the Lord is an avenger in all these things, as we told you beforehand and solemnly warned you. For God has not called us for impurity, but in holiness. Therefore whoever disregards this, disregards not man but God, who gives his Holy Spirit to you.”


God who called us, is holy and pure. There is a need for not only an outward holiness but a true commitment to holy living in our daily walk.


The model believer walks to please God. What does this mean? It means that he lives as God tells him to live and keeps the commandments of God. Paul covers six commandments in particular, but in our verses, we look at one of them – moral purity. Why does Paul give more emphasis to moral purity that to the others? He discusses the others in verses 9-12.


Immorality is the rampaging monster that destroys more lives, families and nations that any other single evil. What God has to say is strong, but must be heeded by all.



The strength of the exhortation is seen in the following facts:


• The believers had been taught how they must walk and please God. They had sat under the teachers and preachers of the Word; therefore, they were without excuse, for they knew exactly how to live and to please God. The word ought (dei) means must; it is an imperative, a necessity. Once the believers had heard and been taught how they should live and please God, they were responsible to live that way. Pleasing God was not an option; it was a duty.


• The exhortation was based upon the Lord Jesus. It was what the Lord Himself had taught. There is no greater authority than the Lord. He is the supreme majestic Being of the universe; therefore, the exhortation to live and walk to please God is of the highest authority.


• The exhortation involves the actual commandments of the Lord Jesus. This is a repeat of verse one: keeping the commandments of the Lord Jesus is not an option. A commandment is a commandment, a law that is to be obeyed. In addition, it has been given by the Lord Himself. Therefore, it must be kept—regardless. We must walk and please God, and we must grow in our Christian walk day by day more and more.




The major commandment is sanctification, that is, moral purity. It can be stated no clearer than verse 3 ~ “For this is the will of God, your sanctification:” The word sanctification means to be set apart and separated. We are to be set apart to God and His will, and His will is moral purity. Therefore, we are to be set apart to live pure lives before God. This means three things:


• Sanctification means abstaining from fornication. The word fornication means ALL kinds of immoral sexual acts: adultery, pre-marital, homosexuality and all forms of sexual deviation.


• The believer’s body belongs to Christ, which means that we are to honor Christ with our bodies.

• We are to take the drive and energy of our bodies and use them as He has instructed.


• Sanctification means that a person knows how to control his body and his spouse’s body.


• The word “body” in verse 4 refers to ones own body and his/her spouse’s body.

• Some more information about this is found in 1 Peter 3:7 and 2 Corinthians 4:7.

• The point for today is that body our body and the body of our spouse hole a great meaning for the Christian believer. A person can neglect, ignore and abuse his own or their spouse’s body and this brings about temptation and can contribute significantly to the spouse becoming unfaithful and impure.

• The Word of God is clear on this topic – the believer is to know, to posses his or her body and their spouse in sanctification and honor and there is NO excuse for ignorance in this matter nor for disobedience. The believer is to know …


• beyond a shadow of a doubt

• without equivocation

• without question


• … that it is his/her duty to keep his/her body and their spouse pure.

• The point is strong: it is unthinkable that a TRUE believer would engage in fornication, that he would bring dishonor to the Lord, to his/her spouse, family or his/her-self – but it happens.


• Sanctification means resisting the passion of lust. We must resist the passion of lust. When a person begins to lust, he can soon become enslaved to lust; he can be held by the grip of lust to such a degree that it is almost impossible to break the bondage. This is true with the …


• passion/lust for sex

• passion/lust for pornographic films and literature

• passion/lust for exposure

• passion/lust for conquest

• passion/lust for looking

• passion/lust for immoral reading


• The passion/lust is the way of the world. It is not of God.

• It is the life-style of those who do not know God. This does not mean they do not know that sexual immorality is wrong. It means they have rejected God and His commandments; they have chosen to live in the passion of their lust.

• The believer is commanded to please God and to keep the commandments of the Lord Jesus.

• And the major commandment is our Sanctification, that is moral purity.

• You can also read Romans 1:18-32 for more information.



There are many, many reasons we are to live pure and holy lives and the reasons stand as a severe warning to us.


• Immorality shall be revenged by God. This point needs to be heeded, especially in a society like ours, where immorality is not only accepted, but it is encouraged.


• How can we dare say that immorality is accepted and encouraged in our society? Compare the emphasis and appeal of …


• dress in public and on the beach

• television and films

• books and magazines

• advertisements and promotions

• conversations and jokes

• suggestive words and actions that are acceptable today


• The list could go on and on, but the point is clear: God is going to judge immoral behavior no matter how much society or the church accepts it; society NOR the church makes the rules for man’s behavior – God makes the rules!


• You want some Bible Verses to back this up: Romans 1:18; 2 Thessalonians 1:8; Hebrews 10:26-31; Hebrews 13:4; Deuteronomy 32:32-35; Psalm 94:1; Ezekiel 25:17; Micah 5:15.


Micah 5:15 ~ “And in anger and wrath I will execute vengeance on the nations that did not obey.”



• Immorality is not God’s will – holiness is God’s will. When God calls us to salvation, He does not call us to live unclean lives, giving us the license to go from sin to sin; such immorality …


• destroys genuine love for self and for others

• destroys trust and trustworthiness of self and of others

• destroys discipline and control of self and of others

• destroys true care and concern for self and for others

• destroys ego and esteem of self and of others

• destroys confidence and assurance in self and in others

• destroys loyalty and commitment within self and within others

• destroys freedom and will within self and within others

• destroys justice and fair treatment of others

• destroys family and nation


• God never calls a person to do immorality – God calls us to holiness – to live lives set apart to Him and to purity.

• God calls us to build strong character and communities, strong families and nations.

• God calls us to holiness so that we can be strong enough to reach out to a world that reels under the awful weight of suffering and death.

• There is hope; there is salvation from evil and suffering and from death and judgment.

• But we must be sanctified and holy, totally set apart to building the strongest character, family, church family, community, and society in order to reach the world.

• Again, God does not call us to uncleanness and disintegration of character and society; God calls us to holiness.


• Immorality is a sin against God.


• The word in verse 8 is disregards; this means reject. Most persons reject this commandment of God as being old fashioned and unacceptable in the intellectual and enlightened society.

• But note what the verse says; the person who disregards or rejects is rejecting God, not some man.

• The idea is that we need to be like the world in order to engage with and attract the world – this is NOT true.

• The idea is that the pastor may be able to do little to us if we disregard the commandment. This may be true, as the pastor, I may not be able to do much, but God can and will do something. God can take vengeance and He will. Every human being who breaks the commandment shall receive the vengeance of God – unless he has repented and sought the forgiveness of God.


Reminder – the Holy Spirit lives inside of you and we MUST keep our bodies HOLY!



Pastor Andy Lambert ~ pastorandy@cvcog.church

Call/Text: 205.642.8744 ext 101

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