Total Commitment for the New Year Sermon Outline for Sunday, December 26, 2021 In the year 2021, lots of wild and crazy things have happened here at Coosa Valley: •...
He is a Wonderful Savior to Me Sermon Outline for Sunday, December 12, 2021 Isaiah 9:6 ESV For to us a child is born, to us a son is given; and the government shall be...
Sending into Ministry Sermon Outline for Sunday, December 12, 2021 As I did a search for the words “Sending into Ministry” the results that popped up were...
Wise Men Seek Jesus Sermon Outline for Sunday, December 5, 2021 Wise men, also known as Magi, come to see the new born Jesus. They were men from the...
The New Covenant Sermon Outline for Sunday, November 28, 2021 This covenant was made with the house of Israel and guarantees the coming millennial...
A Gratitude Attitude Sermon Outline for Sunday, November 21, 2021 Psalm 100:1–5 (ESV) Make a joyful noise to the Lord, all the earth! Serve the Lord...
What is Our Purpose as Believers? Sermon Outline for Sunday, October 31 and November 7 & 14, 2021 Pastor Andy Lambert Romans 8:28–29; Mark 2:2–5; Proverbs 23:7;...
I’m Not Giving Up in The Battle Sermon Outline for Sunday, October 10, 17 & 24, 2021 Pastor Andy Lambert Spiritual Warfare God wants to know if you mean business when...
Satan is Waring Against the Church Sermon Outline for Sunday, October 3, 2021 If you doubt the operation of Satan in the local church, we have looked at these verses before,...