Stronger Together (Part 6)

Sermon Outline for Sunday, February 7, 2021:


As we continue our look at STRONGER TOGETHER 2021, we look last week at an overview of several reasons the Word of God gives use to show we are STRONGER TOGETHER as a Church Family.

Let’s review:

On Sunday, January 3 ~ we gave an overview on Hindsight 20/20 – we are STRONGER TOGETHER! But Why?

On Sunday, January 11 ~ we looked at Jesus being the Good Shepherd, Pastors being the under-shepherd to Christ (given charge to watch over His sheep) and we are His sheep.

On Sunday, January 17 ~ we seen that Jesus is the Head of the Church and we, as the church, are His body … the Body of Christ! We, as the body of Christ, must work in unity.

On Sunday, January 24 ~ we looked at using our gifts and calling for the Body of Christ.

On Sunday, January 31 ~ we took a closer look at the Body of Christ; each member is necessary and essential

Today, February 7 ~ Just as each member is necessary and essential, Jesus must be a part of the unity if we are to be STRONGER TOGETHER.


Matthew 18:19–20 ESV

Again I say to you, if two of you agree on earth about anything they ask, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven. For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them.”



1. Jesus promises a special presence when we gather in His name.

2. A time that is hardest to be in unity, is when someone in the Church Family has fallen, stumbled or broken from the unity of the family of God, the church.

3. This passage is talking about what to do during this time when we need to be STRONGER TOGETHER as a Church Family, part of the Body of Christ.

4. One of the most essential steps to take during these times – to bathe the matter in prayer.

a. We must seek agreement about the issue of correction and restoration and there must always be at least two involved.

b. Those two must be strong in the Lord, not wavering in faith, and “fasted/prayed up”.

c. First, seeking God’s will and approval in prayer, making sure the course of action in in the Will of God. All actions must demonstrate God’s love, compassion and mercy.

d. If these are the steps taken and truly pursued, the Lord promises His presence.

Matthew 7:7 ESV

“Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.

Matthew 21:22 ESV

And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive, if you have faith.”



5. Two things are absolutely essential to experience the power of united prayer:

a. “If two or three are gathered in my name” – the two must agree and be in complete accord.

b. “If two or three are gathered in my name” – the idea is close and intimate union with Christ.


Let’s talk more about UNITED PRAYER and bringing Jesus as a necessary and essential part of the unity of the Church Family.

Prayer – United Prayer – even if the number is small, is essential to being STRONGER TOGETHER and there is power in United Prayer.

1. Christ says in verse 19, “Agree on earth about anything they ask, it shall be done for them”



2. Christ also tells us in verse 20, “There am I among them.”

a. Note that Christ did not say I will be there, He said I AM THERE, he is already there. This is a very special presence, the real, actual presence of Christ. It is equivalent to the Shekinah glory, the very special presence of God that dwelt in the tabernacle and temple. It is a deep sense, a consciousness and intense awareness of God’s Spirit communing with our spirit. God manifests His presence in a very special way to the believer.

3. HOWEVER, two things are absolutely essential to experience the power of united prayer.

a. “If two of you agree …” the word agree mean to be in complete accord; to harmonize together like that of a symphony; to sound together; to act together in each other’s nature. It is the very opposite of wandering thoughts, half hearted commitment, disconnected purpose, disjointed and misplaced understanding, unsynchronized spirits, and incomplete and piecemeal knowledge.

b. If “two or three are gathered in my name”, literally this says, into my name. The idea is close and intimate union with Christ. It is a “getting into” the Spirit of Christ; a longing to be in union with Him and to act only for His glory. It is a depth of spiritual union demonstrated by so few. Note: it comes not only from private prayer but from prayer with others. STRONGER TOGETHER!!!

4. This says something of critical importance, we should never under take any challenge, any trial, any hardship unless we first have a deep spiritual union with Christ – a union so deep that we can only act for His glory. We must be free from all fleshly urges and act only for the glory of God.




Pastor Andy Lambert


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