Amanda has been in ministry most of her life. She started preaching at the age of 14, became a Youth Pastor at 15 and then District Youth Pastor of North Alabama Congregational Holiness Church at age 16. When graduating from high school, she wanted to go into computer programming, but the Lord dealt with her and she heeded to His call. Going on mission trips to Nicaragua and Honduras, she knew then the ministry was just what she was created for! She married Tony in 2001 and now they have two beautiful daughters and three grandchildren. She was an evangelist traveling the United States until she felt the leading of the Lord into a call to serve those closer to home. Licensed with the Church of God in 2011, she has served as Youth Pastor and Music Pastor in the churches she felt the Lord leading her. She felt a strong call to Coosa Valley and when she obeyed the call, the Lord revealed His plan. Amanda and her family are so thankful to be in the Lord’s will at Coosa Valley Church of God.