Encountering Deception and Persecution (June 26, 2022)
Unit Theme: Acts of the Apostles (Part 1)
June 26, 2022 (Lesson 4)
- God Judges Two Deceivers (Acts 4:34-37; 5:1-11)
- Holy Spirit-Empowered Ministry (Acts 5:12-16)
- Persecution and Rejoicing (Acts 5:17-42)
Central Truth: God works to protect and perpetuate the Church.
Focus: Consider how God preserved and protected the early church and trust in His keeping power.
Evangelism Emphasis: God protects and preserves the Church so it can fulfill the Great Commission.
Golden Text: “If it be of God, ye cannot overthrow it; lest haply ye be found even to fight against God” (Acts 5:39).