Year End Donation Letters for 2024
CV FAMILY ~ Your Year 2024 End Donation Letters for Tax Contributions are now available. Below you will find the steps to take to get this letter. Please note – ALL contributions given to Coosa Valley Church of God Ministries and Mission Programs given during the Year 2024 timeframe will be on this statement, those do include: Tithes, General Fund, Building Fund, Kidz, Teens, Young Adults, Women and Missions. Please review statement carefully and if you have any questions, please let us know, so that we can research any discrepancy in a timely fashion. We have kept tithe envelopes and other documents, so that any research can be completed. Please follow the steps below to get your statement.
- On your computer, visit the website and you will need to sign-in by clicking the SIGN-IN button in the top right hand corner.
- If you do NOT have log-in information, enter your email address and click FORGOT YOUR PASSCODE and a code will be sent to you. If we do NOT have your email address in the system, you will need to send the email address to us by texting it to 205.642.8744 and your name as well.
- Once you are logged into the CV CONNECT system, click the MY GIVING HISTORY Button.
- You will need to change the State Date to 01/01/2024 and the End Date to 12/31/2024. You can do this by clicking the down arrow beside each of these dates.
- Once the dates have been changed, click VIEW STATEMENT. This will open the statement showing detailed of ALL dates and amounts you have given, along with any notes entered as well.
- If you look at the last page of this statement, you will see the total amount given to Coosa Valley Church of God.
- The amounts shown are just those that are tax-deductible.
- You can print this statement using the print feature of your computer.
If you are unable to print using CV CONNECT, please let Stephanie Nichols know that you need a giving statement by one of the following:
- Call and leave her a voicemail at 205.642.8744 ext 104
- Text her at 205.642.8744 with keyword STATEMENT and your name
- Email her at
- Write your name and the word STATEMENT on a piece of paper and drop into the Offering Basket.
Please know, God has blessed Coosa Valley Church of God through your faithful giving. There could be no ministry if it were not for faithful people like you who tithe and give; through which we have supported many different ministries this year. Please continue to give so that Coosa Valley Church of God can minister to those in our community, nation and around the world. (PLEASE NOTE: Other than intangible religious benefits, no goods or services were received in exchange for these contributions.)
Pastor Andy Lambert
Phone Call / Text: 205.642.8744 ext 101