Joseph’s Story Begins (September 24, 2023)
Pastor Andy Lambert   -  

Unit Theme: Early Jewish History, Genesis 12-50

September 24, 2023 (Lesson 4)



  1. Joseph’s Prophetic Dreams (Genesis 37:1-11)
  2. Plot to Harm Joseph (Genesis 37:12-27)
  3. Joseph Sold Into Slavery (Genesis 37:28-36)



Central Truth:  God is present with us through the Holy Spirit in good and bad times.

Focus:  Affirm that God is present in every situation and rely on Him.

Evangelism Emphasis:  A Christian’s faithfulness to God in difficult circumstances is a witness to unbelievers.


Golden Text:  “The Lord was with Joseph, and he was a prosperous man; and he was in the house of his master the Egyptian” (Genesis 39:2).