Jacob and Joseph Die Well (October 15, 2023)
Pastor Andy Lambert   -  

Unit Theme: Early Jewish History, Genesis 12—50

October 15, 2023 (Lesson 7)



  1. Jacob’s Final Words (Genesis 49:28—50:3)
  2. Jacob’s Burial (Genesis 50:4-14)
  3. Joseph Reassures His Brothers (Genesis 50:15-26)



Central Truth:  God enables His children to finish life well.

Focus:  Consider what it looks like for God’s people to die well and pray for power to finish well.

Evangelism Emphasis:  A Christian who dies well testifies to God’s power and faithfulness.


Golden Text:  “For I [Paul] am now ready to be offered, and the time of my departure is at hand. I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith” (2 Timothy 4:6-7).


Daily Devotions

  1. Moses’ Final Blessing on Israel (Deuteronomy 33:1, 26-29)
  2. Joshua’s Final Words to Israel (Joshua 24:14-28)
  3. W. David’s Last Public Prayer (1 Chronicles 29:10-19)
  4. Jesus’ Final Words to His Followers (Acts 1:4-9)
  5. Paul Prepared to Die (2 Timothy 4:6-8)
  6. The Final Words of the Bible (Revelation 22:10-21)